Shoujo Ramune Shoujo Ramune begins with Kiyoshi quitting his job to pursue his dream of owning a candy store outside of Tokyo. It’s been a few months si…
Baca selengkapnyaYokosou! Sukebe Elf no Mori e Yokosou! Sukebe Elf no Mori e is set an Alfheim, a beautiful land full of only female elves. But when their existence is t…
Baca selengkapnyaPretty x Cation the Animation Pretty x Cation the Animation follows four different routes with four girls. The protagonist is a boy whose parents have j…
Baca selengkapnyaDropout Dropout is set in a reality where not getting admitted into university means that “dropouts” are forced into the workforce. Those who are attrac…
Baca selengkapnyaKoinaka: Koinaka de Hatsukoi x Nakadashi Sexual Life The Animation Koinaka: Koinaka de Hatsukoi x Nakadashi Sexual Life The Animation is set in a small …
Baca selengkapnyaTsumamigui 3 the Animation (Wife Eater 3) Tsumamigui 3 the Animation begins with Akito Natsuki’s workplace being shut down for renovations, leaving him …
Baca selengkapnyaBaka Dakedo Chinchin Shaburu no dake wa Jouzu na Chii-chan♡ Baka Dakedo Chinchin Shaburu no dake wa Jouzu na Chii-chan♡ is the story of Kouta Muroto, wh…
Baca selengkapnyaKyonyuu Hitozuma Onna Kyoushi Saimin Kyonyuu Hitozuma Onna Kyoushi Saimin is set at the prestigious Ousei Academy, a school where the students’ marks ar…
Baca selengkapnyaTamashii Insert Tamashii Insert is about a boy named Naoto Takahashi who is struggling with his father’s remarriage. He doesn’t feel like part of his ne…
Baca selengkapnyaAmakano Amakano is set in a snowy hot springs town that a young man named Yuuki has recently moved to. He came to the town to help his grandparents shov…
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