Tsumamigui 3 the Animation (Wife Eater 3)
Tsumamigui 3 the Animation begins with Akito Natsuki’s workplace being shut down for renovations, leaving him with no money and nothing to do for his summer holiday. With no other options, he returns to his hometown. What he didn’t expect were the two women who would be waiting for him. The first is Miyuri, his sister-in-law that he has always harboured secret feelings for. The second is Sayako, who always treated him like a son. When he starts to kindle real relationships with these two women he only dreamt about before, it seems his summer break won’t be totally wasted after all.
Tsumamigui 3 the Animation is an NTR hentai with multiple routes that are explored leading to different endings. Of course with it being an NTR-focused plot, there’s a lot of cheating and clandestine relationships. Tsumamigui 3 the Animation is pretty scandalous, with Akiko pursuing his brother’s wife, and a woman who served as a mother figure to him. And that’s just the beginning of the scandals; Tsumamigui 3 the Animation actually has a pretty complex story, with a lot more time devoted to the plot than your average hentai. That can be both a positive or negative point depending on what you’re looking for. If you’re not looking for a deep story, though, you can at least take solace in that the sex scenes are really well animated!