The css float property allows an element to be pushed to the left or right which allows other elements to wrap around the floated element. The elements sp…
Baca selengkapnyaCSS uses the concept of a box model which implies that every HTML element is a box. This term is used when we are talking about design and layout. The CS…
Baca selengkapnyaIn css the user can choose from multiple dimension properties to style an element. The list of css dimension properties are: - height: This property allo…
Baca selengkapnyaCss allows the user to style the html elements that have specific attributes. It does not only rely on class and id. For ex. [title] { color:red; } This …
Baca selengkapnyaGrouping selectors: In css the designer can reduce the code by simply groping together selectors with the same property values. For ex : h1 {color: green…
Baca selengkapnyaOne of the primary advantages of css is that it greatly reduces page load times. Writing multiple properties and their values in a single line of css cod…
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