Shoujo Ramune
Shoujo Ramune begins with Kiyoshi quitting his job to pursue his dream of owning a candy store outside of Tokyo. It’s been a few months since then, and he has been happily running his new business and enjoying the added benefit of watching younger girls all day. He has always really liked them, so running a business that appeals to girls has been a great choice for him. As more and more girls from the local school visit his shop, he is able to become friends with them. But once summer vacation begins, well. Kiyoshi gets the chance to be more than just friends with his customers.
Shoujo Ramune is a harem hentai with an older man and several younger girls. If a hentai with an age gap like this is your thing, then you’ve found the right show! All of the girls are school aged and very cute. They’re attracted to Kiyoshi initially by his candy shop, and then later by something much more mature. The sex is very tame and vanilla, but the thrill of watching it comes from the difference in age between Kiyoshi and the girls. For anyone that doesn’t like lolicon hentai this is one to avoid, but for fans of it, you won’t want to skip Shoujo Ramune.