Koshi Nagumo, a first year middle school student who finds himself homeless, penniless, and without relatives to care for him after the house fire. As he lies on the street, he gets picked up to become the "dorm mother" of a dormitory full of troubled women's university students.
Mineru Wachi
Mineru is a researcher who loves working with toxic gas, but due to that she often fails her experiments and even earned a nickname "Walking Toxic Gas Emitter". While working on her experiments, she feels most comfortable while just wearing panties and unbuttoned shirt.
Kiriya Senshou
Atena Saotome
Atena is quite sheltered growing away from boys. As a result she can't handle being near them and would get a severe nosebleed if she touches one. When Koshi comes to her dorm, she refuses his stay, but considering what he's been through, she accepts him. While wanting to get closer to him, he ends up calling her sister, which makes her feels something she never experienced before and asks him to continue calling her sister, while she decides to protect him from the other girls in the dorm from their indecent acts.