The series follows Naoya Mukai, who had recently begun a relationship with his childhood friend Saki Saki. Nagisa Minase, his classmate, decides to confess her feelings to him as well, and after some initial hesitation, he accepts her request to be her boyfriend as well. Naoya decides that he will have both Saki and Nagisa as girlfriends at the same time. As Naoya currently lives alone due to his parents living elsewhere for work, Saki and Nagisa decide to live with him. The series follows their daily school life, as Naoya, Saki, and Nagisa experience difficulties and challenges in maintaining their love triangle relationship.
Nagisa MinaseNagisa
is a first year high school student who is shown to be a collected, considerate and humble girl.
Despite her considerate personality, she would resort to underhanded tactic to preserve her relationship with Naoya.
Nagisa initially was a girl of plain personality, up until her seeing Mukai Naoya and his dedication for Saki Saki. Impressed by the dedication one person could present, Nagisa starts dedicating herself in practice of sports and housework, and as she entered high school, has changed her hairstyle and used contact lenses instead of glass. Long practice of housework and physical workout however has caused her academic ability to fall behind.
Shino Kiryuu
Shino is a first year high school student who is a moral and considerate girl, being considerate of her friend Saki Saki and dislikes the kind of relationship Naoya has (with two girlfriends) for it is morally wrong. Shino is also a serious person, exceling in academic as if it is normal for her.
Rika, also known as Mirika, is a first year high school student who is shown to be a persistent and grateful girl. She is popular among the boys. She is also a tsundere.